DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-4-0-6

Introduction of platform technologies in practice of human resources management of the company


Nowadays, due to the highest relevance of workers’ effectiveness improving and costs decreasing for any company the approach based on competencies is major. This approach increases the accuracy of projected worker’s results by considering professional and psychological competencies of a worker as fundamental in all processes associated with human resources. There are following components in its basis: characteristics system of the employee’s activity field, features of their internal motivation and platform technologies use. The author has developed and tested an actions algorithm to create the product for evaluation of applicant’s consistency with the aimed position based on the blitz-psychogram method with the help of the Prof-Dialog platform resources. The author indicates the desirable characteristics of a certain position and presents the scales for their potential evaluation on the example of the “Project leader” psychogram. The article provides explanation of advantages of the platform technologies usage in human resources management of modern company.

Nowadays, due to the highest relevance of workers’ effectiveness improving and costs decreasing for any company the approach based on competencies is major. This approach increases the accuracy of projected worker’s results by considering professional and psychological competencies of a worker as fundamental in all processes associated with human resources. There are following components in its basis: characteristics system of the employee’s activity field, features of their internal motivation and platform technologies use. The author has developed and tested an actions algorithm to create the product for evaluation of applicant’s consistency with the aimed position based on the blitz-psychogram method with the help of the Prof-Dialog platform resources. The author indicates the desirable characteristics of a certain position and presents the scales for their potential evaluation on the example of the “Project leader” psychogram. The article provides explanation of advantages of the platform technologies usage in human resources management of modern company.

All factors will be indicated in ideal applicant’s results. Certainly, some of them can be recognized as factors of the first significance level, while one or two factors can be considered as less important than the others at the discretion of a particular company.

Character features and mindset diagnostics by cluster A are presented in Table 2.

The applicant should have predisposition to a number of activities appropriate to this position under cluster C (Table 3).

In the report of analytical association these behavioral characteristics should be included in the cluster “Activities with a high level of predisposition”.

An applicant for a vacancy should have high scores by cluster D in such roles as a creator (10-8), inspirer (9-7), team worker (9-7), analyst (8-7), strategist (8-7) (Figure 1).

The qualities of a critic and administrator should be presented in an interval from 5 to 4 for a critical evaluation of a project progress and remote monitoring of the process stages.

Psychological profiles of all applicants should be captures on the database, which gives a possibility to analyze a selection on separate report parts.

Certainly, specific features and development level of separate abilities indicate only predisposition to activity, coherence of an individual activity mode with typical professional activities.  And the result of the applicant will show his/ her effectiveness in a definite activity and depends on personal motivation.

Thus, providing human resources for organization and strengthening of their activities is one of the most complex tasks for saving sustainability and competitiveness of any business. To solve the problem of human resources revitalizing it is important to use psychographic methods not only at the selection stage, but also during all their working period in the company for sustaining interest in their job performance and whole company success, as well as for preventing emotional burnout.It is advisable to accept and improve the worker’s qualification with appropriate psychographic characteristics, as its effectiveness will be always higher than of a worker without internal predisposition to this kind of activity.

Platform technologies give the possibility to cut costs for creation of own IT-infrastructure for human resources management in the form of a complex of tests and diagnostics, algorithms and templates of solutions. The use of online platform resources, which, as showed on the example of services of personnel selection, evaluation and development provide a qualified support of managerial decisions in human resources management. At the same time, the organization can develop their own product on the basis of platform resources as it was shown on the example of the specialist’s psychogram. This product will reflect  the common requirements to the worker on this position, and will take into account the specifics of the firm. It will be an instrument of prescriptive analytics in human resources management, as it will warn of possible problems in recruiting a particular applicant and, at the same time, will help in the managerial decisions development to activate human resources and ensure business sustainability.

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