
Leonid Nikolaevich Yatsun

Scientific degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences

Academic rank: Professor

Country: Ukraine

City: Kharkiv

Organization: Kharkiv State University of Nutrition and Trade

Head of the Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity and Tourism of the Kharkov State University of Nutrition and Trade.

Major works:

Monographs: 1. Yatsun LN. Kulinarny traditsionі ta інновації харчування / / Tourism in the brain of globalization: osoblivostі ta prospect of rozvitku: kolektivna monografiya; for zag. Ed. MO Kizima, V. Є. Shortcut. - Харків: Видавничий Дім «INJEK», 2012. - P. 61-88. 2. Yatsun LM Synergetics of the development of the sphere of the population of the population in the system of tourism // Можливості та розвиток сучасного туризму: світовий та національний досвід: монографія; for zag. Ed. V. M. Zaitsevoy. - Запоріжжя, ЗНТУ: ТОВ "ШПС" LTD., 2014. - С. 121-187. 3. Yatsun LM Managing the sphere of the Kharchuvannia populated area with a natural-socially-economical system // Suhachnі problemy i perspektiv rozvitka pidpriemstv Ukrayiny: kolektivna monografiya; for zag. Ed. O.S. Іванілова. - Khar'kov: KhNUBA, 2014. - P. 61-88. 4. Pichugina TS The Diagnostics of the Crisis of the Kyrgyz Republic / TS Pichugina, LM Yatsun, LD Zabrodska, G.I. Zabrodska. - Khar'kov: KhDUHT, 2015. - 208 p. 5. Yatsun LM Managing the distribution of property in the sphere of the population of the population // Trends and innovations in the everyday economy: a monograph; for zag. Ed. O. S. Ivanov. - Khar'kov: KHNUBA, 2015. - P. 189-224. 6. Yatsun LM Managing the development of social and economic systems khachuvannya population / / The development of socially-ekonomichnyh systems in transformatsynyh umowah: kolektivna monografiya; for zag. Ed. O. S. Ivanov. - Khar'kov: KhNUBA, 2015. - pp. 121-187. 7. Yatsun LM Managing the features of the sphere of the population: the theory, methodology, practice / LM Yatsun. - Харків: ХДУХТ, 2015. - 334 с. (19.4 other arch). 8. Yatsun LM. Methodological approach to the project of the integrated management systems for the management of the spheres of harsh landscapes. / / Priorities for the development of national economy in the context of the integration of global wikis: monograph / for zag. Ed. O. S. Ivanov. - Харків: ФОП Panov A. M., ВД «В справі», 2016. - P. 141-171 .. Articles in the publications of international science-metric databases: 9. Yatsun LM. The sphere of the population of the population is a natural-socially-economical system: the methodology of formulating that rozvitka / LM Yatsun // Economical analisys: zb. sciences. prac. - Тернопіль: "Economical duma". - 2014. - Volume 16. - No. 1. - P. 155-166. (0.7 other arch). 10. Yatsun, LN Formuvaniya mekhanizmu upravlennya rozvitkom kolechuvannya kharchuvannya populated area / LN Yatsun // Biznes-inform. - 2014. - №10. - P. 219-225. (0.75 other arches). 11. Yatsun LN Methodological approaches to the determination of management effectiveness in the sphere of population nutrition / LN Yatsun // Scientific Result. Series "Technologies of business and service." - 2014. - №1. - P. 49-57. (0.52 other arches). 12. Yatsun LM Culinary traditions of tourists: factors and models of formation / LM Yatsun // Scientific Result. Series "Technologies of business and service." - 2015. - №1. - P. 116-121. (0.52 other arches). 13. Yatsun, LM Structural-functional synthesis of the control of the spheres in the sphere of harsh landscapes / LN Yatsun // Biznes-inform. - 2016. - №4. - P. 248-255. (0.71 other arches). 14. Yatsun LN Methodological approaches to the design of integrated control systems for food enterprises / LN Yatsun // Problems of economics. - 2016. - №1. - P. 220-228. (0.93 other arches). 15. Yatsun LN Strategii ta modeli upravlennya rozvitkom pidpriemstv spheri kharchuvannya / LN Yatsun // Driven by rozvitkom. - 2016. - No. 1 (183). - P. 106-120. (0.75 other arches). THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLICATIONS is 263 scientific papers, including 16 monographs. RESEARCH INTERESTS: Specialist in the field of management of tourism enterprises, restaurant and hotel business, trade and food industry, design of business processes and infrastructure of tourist destinations, training and professional development of personnel in the hotel and restaurant industry and tourism. RESEARCH WORK Over the past 10 years, he has participated in 12 research projects as a leader and responsible Executive, including: Topic 04-16-17B (0115U006794) " Development of recommendations for the management of production and trade activities of enterprises in the food sector of the population»; Topic # 29-17-18D " Formation of the company's foreign economic activity strategy»; Topic 12-18-19 (0124U009826)"Formation of a strategy for the development of the food sector of the Kharkiv region". Under the guidance of Yatsun L. N., 9 PhD theses were defended.