

The relevance of the research subject is explained by the growing interest in rural tourism, caused by the high level of urbanization and the need for outdoor recreation, as well as its multiplicative impact on both the economy and the socio-cultural sphere of the village.

In the regions of Russia, a growing number of rural settlements choose rural tourism in order to solve the problem of diversifying the mono-branch economy based on local potential. The process of changing the sectoral structure of the rural economy requires new efficient forms of management. The article substantiates the need for an integrated strategic approach to the development of rural tourism and the competitiveness of this segment in the tourist market. The analysis allows us to state that the opportunities that Russia has for the development of rural and agorotourism have not yet been fully realized. For the effective development of entrepreneurship in the structure of rural tourism, state support and additional investment in strengthening and diversifying the rural tourism infrastructure are needed.

The main conclusion of the study is that in the current conditions of the competitive external environment, the target guidelines for the development of this sector of tourism should be directed to the domestic tourist market in Russia. A number of Russian regions have already accumulated a positive experience in the development of rural tourism. In addition to the regions already involved in this sector, it is also promising to create ecosettlements in the regions of the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, and the Russian North, where it is possible to recreate non-traditional methods of agriculture, cultural architecture, and introduce new innovative forms of management. At the same time, Russian exotics can also attract foreign tourists and become a source of additional revenues to the country's budget.

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