

ISSN 2408-9346

Research result. Business and Service Technologies
ISSN 2408-9346


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Belgorod State National Research University offers to the scientific community a network scientific journal "Research result. Business and Service Technologies"


The international standard serial number of the journal is ISSN 2408-9346.

The Journal is an online edition.
The online edition has been registered at the Federal service for supervision of communications information technology and mass media (Roskomnadzor).​ Mass media registration certificate: ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 69120 from 14.03.2017

Each journal publication is assigned a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

The materials of the Journal are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Free reproduction of materials from the Journal for personal purposes and free use for informational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes is allowed according to Articles 1273 and 1274 of Chapter 70 Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, study, search, or link to the full-text papers in the Journal without seeking permission from the Publisher or author. This policy is consistent with the principles of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). When quoting, a reference to the Journal is required.


DATA STORAGE POLICY is aimed at selecting, storing and providing access to the Journal's archives. All papers published in the Journal and their metadata are stored in the Russian State Library, the Russian Book Chamber, on the Publisher's server and are available for public access on the Journal's website.


Mission of the Journal. The Journal "Research Result. Technology of Business and Service" positions itself as an open platform for all-Russian and international communication of scientists and practitioners in the field of business and service. The mission of the Journal is to provide broad access to the scientific, pedagogical community, and experts to the results of scientific research and best practices in business and service.


Main goal of the Journal. The main goal set by the Publishers is to promote free discussion and exchange of ideas of scientists and businessmen for their implementation in the activities of businesses, organizations and institutions working in the service industry.

Only original (previously unpublished) copyrighted materials should be published in the journal. 


Priority for the journal are articles based on the results of practical research in the field of business and service. The editorial Board also recognizes review articles on current scientific issues of tourism science and service science as important in methodological terms. Comparative research at both national and international levels is particularly valuable for the journal. The editorial Board welcomes articles made in international teams. 

Journal " Scientific result. Technologies of business and service " is a multimedia magazine, so the editorial Board especially welcomes the support of author's articles with video and audio materials of research, fragments of the author's speeches on the issues or topics of the article, presentations and photos.




Journal headings:

  • Development of the tourism industry
  • Problems of efficiency and quality in service activities
  • Problems of personnel training in the service sector
  • Interdisciplinary research in the field of business


Branches of science and groups of specialties that the authors and the editorial Board of the journal focus on (in accordance with the Nomenclature of scientific specialties for which academic degrees are awarded in the Russian Federation): 

  • 5.2.3. Regional and Sectoral Economics (economic sciences),
  • 5.2.5. World Economy (Economic sciences),
  • 5.2.6. Management (Economic sciences)


Russian Russian journal "Scientific Result" is aimed at an international audience and publishes materials in Russian with an abstract in English, or in English (with an abstract in Russian).


With the support of the journal, international research and educational projects are carried out, conferences, symposiums, forums are organized and held, research teams are formed; the journal pays special attention to projects and programs of young scientists devoted to issues of tourism studies and servicology.


The periodicity of the magazine's publication is 4 times a year, 1 time per quarter (March, June, September, December).


The online journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (category C2) and the scientific base of the Russian index of science citation (RISC) (license agreement № 765-12/2014 8.12.2014).





Logging materials:
- the primary selection is carried out in accordance with the subject of the journal;
- are checked by the Antiplagiat system (the share of the author's text is not less than 85%).

The editorial board assumes responsibility for the preparation of the article for publication, its verification by the Antiplagiat system, the provision of conscientious review, but is not responsible for the accuracy of the specific data provided by the authors and the correctness of the citation.

Manuscripts rejected by the editorial office due to non-compliance with the requirements are not reviewed.

In the case of passing the primary selection, they are sent for mandatory double-blind review.

The decision on the publication or rejection of the materials received in the journal is taken by the editorial board in accordance with the review regulations.

The editors reserve the right to make changes in the received materials, make abbreviations, edit the text, reject thematically inappropriate or inadequately designed manuscripts, while observing the rules of editorial ethics.

The author, sending the article to the editorial office, expresses its consent to its publication in the journal "Research Result. Sociology and Management "and the transfer of the text of the article to third parties (double-blind review is mandatory).

In the case of an article recommendation for publication in the journal, the author signs a license agreement.



  • Cyberleninka,
  • Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory,
  • Google Scholar,
  • OCLC WorldCat,
  • Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE),
  • Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR),
  • Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE),
  • Academic Research Index – ResearchBib,
  • InfoBaseIndex,