The article considers the problems of development of sanatorium-resort complex on the example of Privolzhsky Federal District. At present, the problem of studying the factors of the development of industries and industrial complexes taking into account strategic goals and tasks is urgent, therefore marketing technologies allow us to combine traditional financial, economic and management methods. The subjects of the Russian Federation under consideration have a developed sanatorium-resort complex, as well as natural curative resources, whose potential is not fully utilized. The advantages of marketing technology consist in identifying the development trends that take into account a set of external and internal factors, rely not only on the systemic, but also on the situational approach that is necessary in unstable macroeconomic conditions.
In the article, based on the processing of statistical data, conclusions were made about trends and prospects for the development of the sanatorium and resort complex of the Volga Federal District, the main factors of positive and negative influence were characterized. With the help of marketing technology, the ways of solving problems that should be implemented comprehensively are proposed on the basis of the strategy of development of profile enterprises that provide medical and health services.
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