The world is reviving geopolitical thinking, linking the possibilities of states with the expansion and redistribution of space. In the eyes of the world community, Russia is a cold and polluted country, a place of frequent man-made and natural disasters. Negligence and mismanagement in the use of Russian spaces are constantly pointed out. Concern is expressed about the environmental degradation of the country. Attention is drawn to the global role of the biosphere-therapeutic significance of Russia. Almost half of the Russian spaces are not burdened by anthropogenic and man-made load. Russian cold preserving spaces are the main supplier of oxygen on the planet. Russia has unique forest and water resources. The preserved natural environment and the beauty of the territory are no less important than the riches of its natural resources. The modern world tourism industry is now seeing a decline in standard package tours, beach and shopping tourism. People travel for gaining new experience and sense, physical strengthening and mastering the techniques of survival. The Arctic regions of Russia represent a unique psychological sanatorium and the best refuge from technological civilization. The conclusion is drawn that geography can serve as a philosophy of Russia and its national idea. The tourism industry oriented at foreign travelers is the most interested in the promotion of the image of the country branch of the economy.
Golubchikov Yu.N. About the problems of image elevation of Russia //
Scientific Result. Technologies of business and service. - T. 3, No. 4, 2017
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