The analysis of the main educational programs in the areas of training included in the enlarged "Service sector" shows that the system of national higher education lacks a conceptual idea of the content of service training. Especially it concerns the direction of the preparation of "Service", which has fuzzy, blurry borders. The article is devoted to modeling the image of a competitive service specialist, the use of which in university practice will contribute to the content filling of educational programs in the areas of training included in the enlarged group "Service Sphere". Competitiveness of the service specialist is a key condition for the competitiveness of the service organization and the services it provides. A competitive service specialist is not only an expert with the necessary competencies, but also a person with professionally significant personal qualities. Competitiveness of the service specialist is a complex integrated education, including knowledge, skills and skills in the field of professional activities, taking into account the specifics of services provided by the service organization; knowledge, abilities and skills of communicative competence; professionally significant personal qualities. Communicative competence of the service specialist includes four main components: linguistic, sociocultural, pragmatic and cross-cultural competence. The main professionally significant personal qualities of the service specialist are tolerance, developed empathy, psychological stability, moral health, creativity and adaptability.
Pastukhova D.A,. Grudistova E.G. Model of a competitive service specialist // Scientific Result.
Technologies of business and service. - Vol. 4, No. 2, 2018
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