Using of crowdsourcing technology in tourism: features and prospects of development
The unique possibility of crowdsourcing technology is shown, which allows to include citizens in the development of tourism in the region. Tourist projects that are implemented with the participation of the population are more successful today than power initiatives, since they allow the consumer to feel their own importance. Features of the application of crowdsourcing in tourism are revealed. The article considers the aspect of using crowdsourcing technologies in the development of tourism at the regional level. The system of functioning of crowdsourcing in tourism is presented. The content and main characteristics of crowdsourcing technology in the tourism business are analyzed. Specific features of crowdsourcing as a business technology for the development of tourism. The necessity of attracting intellectual resources of the region through the implementation of various crowdsourcing projects for the development of the tourism sector is substantiated.
A. V. Rogova. The use of crowdsourcing technology in tourism:
features and development prospects // Scientific result.
Technology business and service. - Vol. 4, No. 3, 2018
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