DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-4-0-1

Development of an interactive map of children`s camps as a tool for assessing the quality of services in children`s recreation in Russia

Children's recreation is one of the most popular areas of domestic tourism in Russia. Modern sites contain a large amount of information on children's recreation, but all this information is chaotic, fragmented, there is no certain order, systematization and unification of information, which complicates the work of users in terms of analysis and selection of the most appropriate services for the organization of children's recreation. The official source of information is the Register of children's health camps of the Russian Federation, but it also has an intricate structure, which greatly complicates its use. It should be noted that the idea of creating a single register of camps has not yet achieved its goal, i.e. the convenience of finding parents and anyone who wants the right children's camp, to obtain complete and comprehensive information. The registry looks fragmented, each region provides it in its own form. Use of achievements of modern information technologies gives an opportunity to systematize and unify the many data of interest to buyers of services, children's activities, and to provide a convenient and intuitive visualization of the information. The solution to this problem is possible by creating an information platform "Interactive map of children's camps in Russia", which will allow anyone to find and pre-acquainted with the program of the camp and make a General impression about it. Interactive map should be a separate application, with the ability to download and work offline. It is necessary to provide a variant adapted for mobile phones, tablets, smartphones etc Mandatory integration with popular social networks such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World and others. It is also important to provide for the possibility of regular updating of the interactive map, making it new information. The article reveals the mechanism of drawing up, functioning and further development of the interactive map of children's camps of the Russian Federation, identifies the main parameters and criteria that determine its content. The creation of a scientifically developed and fully interactive map of children's camps will contribute to the development and improvement of children's recreation in Russia, improve its level and quality.

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