Tourism brands as a tool of socio-economic development of the region (Voronezh region)
With the development of tourism there is a need to modernize the ways and means of attracting the attention of tourists to the destination. A relatively new method of influencing the consumer's desire is branding – one of the most important processes of territory promotion, which contributes to the formation of competitive advantages and a certain image of a particular area, which allows positioning the territory as attractive to a potential audience. The purpose of the study is to consider the essence of branding as a tool for promoting tourism (on the one hand) and as a tool for socio-economic development (on the other hand). The following research methods were used: method of deduction and induction; system scientific knowledge and logical analysis; synthesis and generalization. The authors reveal the category "brand" in the scientific socio-economic literature is revealed, provide the classification of brands according to certain principles, and present a mechanism of formation of the territorial brand is presented. The analysis of existing brands in the Voronezh region is conducted. The brand of the region provides an opportunity to create additional competitive advantages and acts as a guarantor of social stability, as well as the competitiveness of the territory. Branding of the territory can act as a method of management of socio-economic development of the region, which contributes to regional competitiveness through the attraction of external and development of domestic markets, overcoming the deficit of various regional resources, the formation of consumer perceptions of the uniqueness of the territory.
Yakovenko, N. V., Komov, I. V. (2019), Tourism brands as a tool of socio-economic development of the region (Voronezh region), Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 5 (1): 23-34, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2019-5-1-0-3
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