Budget investment in infrastructure for the World Cup 2018
Large-scale events affect the increase of tourist attractiveness of countries and cities, all areas of urban structure, but at the same time require huge investments. The organization and holding of the 2018 World Cup involved large-scale public and private investments and led to the transformation of many cities, attracting international and Russian tourists. The purpose of this work is to analyze the structure and volume of investments in infrastructure development, as well as to assess the impact of the Championship on urban development. The work is based on analytical materials of consulting agencies, reports of the organizing Committee "Russia-2018" and FIFA, Rosstat data, materials of various news agencies, analytical materials on foreign experience of using the "infra-structure of heritage" of major world events. The author defines the notion of public investment, principles for selection of cities for the Championship, examines the legal and conceptual documents of the Championship, the implementation of models of management and financing of preparation of the Championship, the structure of sources of financing of the Championship, the volume of public investment, basic infrastructure created in preparation for the World Cup, the expense ratio Russia and other countries in the preparations for the World Cup, the impact of the Championship on the economy of the country. The author comes to the conclusion that the World Cup had an impact on the development of infrastructure, improvement of public amenities, the emergence of new jobs, changing the tourism product and the tourism potential of cities. At the same time, the World Cup will have a long-term impact on the economy.
Korolev A. S. (2019). Budget investment in infrastructure for the World Cup 2018. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 5(2), 25-35
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