DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2019-5-4-0-1

Functional model of assessment of recreational potential of urban green areas using geoinformation technologies

In today's urbanized world, the recreational space of cities provides the population with objects of natural nature. They ensure the environmental sustainability of the natural and urban en-vironment and provide the population with a comfortable urban environment. The recreational space of the city is interconnected and interdependent with recreational activities in the existing rec-reational framework. Its quality directly depends on the quality of the existing recreational frame-work and the variety of recreational activities that occur in it.The purpose of the study is to deter-mine the functional model of the assessment of the recreational frame of the city.The object of re-search is the recreational framework of the city. To achieve this goal, the methods of comparative analysis, generalization, structural and functional approach were used. The authors considered some theoretical ideas about the elements of urban recreational framework. They give the definition of the term “recreational frame” and identify the indicators of assessment of green areas of the recrea-tional framework of the city, affecting the quality of life of the urban population. The authors sub-stantiate the impact of indicators on the quality of life of the population and propose a functional model for the assessment of the recreational framework of the city.

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