Diagnostics of the current state of the modern management system of munici-pal education: trends, tasks, prospects
The article discusses the problematic issues of the current management system of the municipality. The modern mechanism for the formation of conditions for the sustainable development of the territory is not possible without an effective management system at the level of the municipality. In the process of diagnosing the current system of managing the municipality, modern typological features were established and highlighted, which are implemented by the executive branch in the process of managing the territory and its economy. To determine the role and importance of municipal governance in the territorial economy management system, an assessment was made of the current regulatory framework, on the basis of which the powers of representatives of municipal authorities are realized in practice. Based on the results of the assessment of the current regulatory framework, some proposals have been formed that will allow the municipal authorities to avoid a number of contradictions and thereby increase the trust of civil society in the executive branch on the ground. In this connection, in order to maintain highly efficient and create science-intensive industries, the regional management system of the municipal education should strive to create and put into practice innovative approaches in the management system, since this is one of the foundations for realizing the opportunities for unification the unified project task of the effective use of the resource potential and its management in order to implement the territorial strategic goals and objectives and switch to the path of sustainable economic development.
Likhosherstova G. N. (2019), Diagnostics of the current state of the modern management system of municipal education: trends, tasks, prospects. Re-search Result. Business and Service Technologies, 5(3), 38-48DOI:10.18413/2408-9346-2019-5-4-0-5
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