Investment activity as a form of development of regional tourism
Tourism is an area that has been developing rapidly lately. Businesses working in this sphere must themselves seek their development in a dynamic economic environment, quickly respond to all its changes in order to maintain their competitiveness and ensure development effectiveness. Investments can be a powerful source of renewal of services and economic growth. That is why the development of forms and methods of attracting investment in the tourism industry is of great importance. The article considers the main factors that affect the level of investment, gives their meaningful description in order to increase the efficiency of the investment process. A model for making investment decisions in the field of tourism is proposed, taking into account the influence of the considered factors on the dynamics of the investment process. Using this model in regional practice will improve the effectiveness of regional investment programs aimed at the development of tourism.
Sviridova N. D., Negoda A. A. (2020), Investment activity as a form of development of regional tourism. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 6(1), 22-29, DOI:10.18413/2408-9346-2020-6-1-0-3
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