Globalization of world economic processes and its impact on the development of service services: a structural mechanism for segmenting consumer preferences in the Russian consumer market
The relevance of the study of the problems addressed is determined by the establishment of the influence of the globalization process of world economic systems (market) on the formation of consumer preferences in Russia, which in the process of merging and going through convergence, participate in the formation of a global market, whose basis is precisely the changed consumer preferences – universal needs. The modern global market is, first of all, a market where global universal needs are satisfied, a market in which the same companies of different national markets often confront each other. At the same time, the globalization of the global economic space in the process of merging and building up its potential requires constant improvement and development of the competitive environment /infrastructure in accordance with emerging global norms and standards. Diagnostics of the current national market of Russia made it possible to reveal the level of its competitive environment, the degree of citizen satisfaction and the willingness of the national market, including the services market, to be injected into the process of global product and service globalization. The identified potential problems of the development of the service market and the problem zones established during the study allowed us to find ways to solve and level the detected problem zones, to develop an algorithm of actions and establish a forecast vector for the formation of innovative forms in managing the development of the national market of Russia, to increase its effective efficiency in satisfying universal consumer preferences global product market.
Likhosherstova G. N. (2020), Globalization of world economic processes and its impact on the development of service services: a structural mechanism for segmenting consumer preferences in the Russian consumer market. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 5(2), 52-64, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2020-6-2-0-5
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