Developing Practice-Oriented Learning: a Study of the Hospitality Industry
The development of the hospitality industry and competitiveness of a separate accommodation facility directly depends on the level of personnel qualification. Hotel business in the Russian Federation is at the initial stage of formation and construction of an effective model of competitive specialist training regardless of the level of education: whether it is secondary special education, higher education or master's programs. The level of education at each stage should guarantee the professional community of the hospitality industry the preparation and graduation of a competitive specialist who meets the modern requirements of the industry. To create new educational programs or to adapt existing standards, it is necessary to analyze the foreign experience of teaching by leading educational organizations in the field of hotel management, tourism or excursions. The leaders of the sphere of competitive specialists training include The Swiss Hotel Management School, The American model of Hospitality Management Education. The experience of leading educational organizations in the Russian Federation is also useful, including the Russian State University of Tourism and Service, as well as G. Plekhanov Russian Economic University. The study of the best teaching practices in the field of hotel management and service, adaptation and integration of the best practices into educational programs of basic and additional education will allow to train and graduate competitive specialists who will be ready to work in real business conditions.
Semenova L. V. (2020), Developing Practice-Oriented Learning: a Study of the Hospitality Industry. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 5(2), 78-86, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2020-6-2-0-7
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