Digitalization of public administration – the key to successful development of the public sector
The matter of the effectiveness of public sector has emerged almost since inception of a state, and from time to time the relevance of this issue has been updated due to comparison with other more successful countries. At the end of the XX century, this direction received a second wind, almost in parallel with the second birth of the relevance of the problem of state efficiency, the era of digitalization began. Over the past twenty years, huge steps have been made in digitalization, comparable to the technological revolution of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Moreover, today we live in the era of industrialization 4.0. Thus, the two concepts of public sector efficiency and digitalization are closely intertwined. It is logical to assume that there is a correlation between them. The article uses mathematical analysis (Kramer's method) to check and confirm the assumption that there is such a relationship, and as a result, a high correlation index is revealed. For the analysis, the Legatum prosperity index (the Legatum Prosperity Index) was chosen as an indicator of the effectiveness of the public sector, and the e-government development index (the UN Global E-Government Development Index) was chosen to determine the level of digitalization of the public sector in a particular country.
Kuanaliyev A. A. (2020), Digitalization of public administration – the key to successful development of the public sector. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 6(3), 35-46, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2020-6-3-0-4
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