Outsourcing as a way to increase the competitiveness of hotel businesses
The relevance of the study of the problems addressed is determined by the need to revise and improve the established concepts of hotel management. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, many business sectors were forced to reformat their work. Outsourcing for certain companies in Russia has become the only way to maintain business. In the hotel business, cleaning services were used as outsourcing when staff were hired from third-party companies to clean premises, clean rooms, wash dishes and other similar types of work. Independent employment agencies offer hotels hiring staff directly in contact with customers: maids, waiters, cooks, administrative workers. These people are in contact with guests and create an impression about the hotel, so they should have a high professional level. In addition, outsourcing companies provide hotels with such specialists as accountants, logisticians, and maintenance personnel. Due to outsourcing, financial risks from the hotel business are minimized. Outsourcing has transformed into more than just a way to attract cheaper labor. It has become the basis of business strategies of both small and large companies, which consider it necessary to focus on their key business operations and transfer everything else to specialized service providers. The article considers the essence of outsourcing, studies outsourcing services in the hotel business, and identifies the main advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing hotels.
Rakhimbekova Z. S., Klimova T. B., Zakurdaeva V. V. (2020), Outsourcing as a way to increase the competitiveness of hotel businesses. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 6(3), 26-34, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2020-6-3-0-3
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