Innovative directions for the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in crisis conditions
For any sphere of social and economic activity, the development and implementation of innovations is one of the tools for achieving new competitive advantages, which are extremely important in conditions of high competition and crisis situations. The innovative development of the tourism and hotel industry is inextricably linked with the introduction of digital technologies. It should be noted that, starting with the introduction of global booking systems, this area has always been guided by the latest advances in information and communication technologies. The relevance and special significance of innovative development is important in the crisis period, which is observed at the moment in connection with the pandemic. The article analyzes the current state of the tourism and hospitality industry and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on it. The results of the study showed that the crisis in this area leads to very serious consequences, including a sharp reduction in personnel employed in the tourism and hospitality industry, the closure of travel agency and tour operator companies, small accommodation facilities, especially hostels. One of the principles of management in such difficult crisis conditions is the search and implementation of innovative solutions in the tourism and hotel business. In the course of the study, the main innovative solutions in the tourism and hospitality industry were analyzed, which are advisable to take in a crisis to mitigate the critical situation, the most important and significant of them were identified. One of the most expedient innovation areas is the digitalization of the main business processes in the tourism and hospitality industry.
Morozova N. S. (2020) Innovative directions for the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in crisis conditions Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 6(4), 11-18, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2020-6-4-0-2
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