Creation and arrangement of eco-trails as a prerequisite for the development of ecotourism (using the example of the Great Sevastopol Trail)
The paper discusses the problem of scientific substantiation of the creation and arrangement of eco-trails as a necessary condition for the development of ecological tourism on the example of the Great Sevastopol Trail (BST). The relevance of the study is associated with the need to develop approaches to the design, arrangement of eco-trails, the creation of accommodation facilities that make the stay of tourists on the trail affordable, safe and longer. Methods and materials included literature analysis, authors' field data, and a sociological survey. To substantiate the feasibility of introducing a set of measures for the improvement of BST and the construction of non-capital accommodation facilities in January-February 2021, a sociological study was carried out. As a result of the survey of 385 people, information was obtained on the popularity of ecological tourism among different segments of travelers, the popularity of BST, the comfort of the eco-trail for carrying out walking routes and the main paths that allow to increase the duration of tourists' stay on the trail. Conclusions: It was determined that ecological tourism was named one of the priority types of tourism in our country. International and domestic experience in the development of ecological tourism demonstrates that it mainly develops in specially protected natural areas. The main factors that determine the spatial development of ecological tourism in Russia include: the availability of protected areas; state support for this direction of tourism and its consideration in regional tourism development programs as a priority; information support of ecological tourism routes. Assessment of the cumulative impact of these factors made it possible to determine the regions where the integral indicator of the development of ecotourism has maximum values. The city of Sevastopol entered the group of subjects where the values of the integral index are quite high. The results of sociological research, domestic and international experience have shown the prospects of using glamping – campsites of increased comfort – as accommodation facilities in protected areas.
Brovtsyna V. S., Shabalina N. V., Kashirina E. S., Zelinskaya A. B. (2021) Creation and arrangement of eco-trails as a prerequisite for the development of ecotourism (using the example of the Great Sevastopol Trail). Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 7(1), 3-14, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2021-7-1-0-1
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