Marketing concepts in business management in the market of tourist services
An important problem that limits the possibilities of the fullest use of the entrepreneurial potential of tourism organizations is the insufficient level of strategically oriented marketing justifications, reflected in marketing concepts, as well as in the management decisions taken. The relevance of the research topic has led to the need to improve the management systems of entrepreneurial structures of various profiles and, in particular, those operating in the tourist services market, which retain a high development potential in the current crisis situation. As one of the main directions of such improvement, an increase in the level of marketing support of the management process with its ability to initiate significant entrepreneurial effects is considered. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of marketing concepts and the transformation of their basic provisions in accordance with the specifics of the tourist services market. To achieve this goal, the methods of systemic, structural and situational analysis, scientific logic, and formalization of conclusions were used. The authors have characterized the distinctive features of the tourist services market. The analysis of marketing concepts was carried out; the mechanisms of their use in modern tourism were revealed. The expediency of the formation of an integrative concept, taking into account the consistency of the marketing paradigm, was substantiated. The key conclusion is the methodological validity of the differentiation of the strategic tools of modern marketing, which leads to the variability of marketing concepts, as well as methods and management techniques, that contribute to their effective implementation in tourism business.
Pesotskay E. V., Selyutina L. G. (2021), Marketing concepts in busi-ness management in the market of tourist services. Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 7(1), 23-37, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2021-7-1-0-3
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