DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2021-7-1-0-4

The project of elaboration and infrastructure development of ecological hiking trail «Merkitskaya Krepost” (The Merkit fortress)

The development of educational tourism based on natural sites is put into practice through the design and construction of hiking trails. Current requirements for implementation of the civilized access to the environment are based on the projects suggesting elaboration and creating attributes of infrastructure of an ecological trail, that allow to elaborate safe and comfortable trips for visitors.  Infrastructure development and modernization of trails that are in effect are carried out with respect to landscape peculiarities and usage of modern methods and materials.   The article presents a project of an ecological trail on the territory of the natural, historical and cultural object “Merkitskaya Krepost” (The Merkit fortress) (Shara-Tebseg Mountain). Nowadays, on the territory of “Merkitskaya Krepost” there is an unregulated trail of regional significance. This trail is becoming increasingly popular among local visitors and tourists. The rise of both tourist flows and residence time on the territory of the site cause a number of difficulties in terms of providing ecologically safe tourism. The article provides the evaluation of the current state and usage of the route as well as peculiarities of human impact on the track of the trail. The article also deals with design and development technologies for elaboration of the roadbed of the trail that are suitable for the given landscape.

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