DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2021-7-4-0-2

Transformation of the global travel industry under the influence of Сovid-19 and new trends

The article examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the state of the tourism industry, provides an assessment of industry experts about the current situation in the tourism market: tourism is among the industries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The key priorities for the survival and recovery of the industry have been identified. They are: restoring the confidence of travelers in safety, supporting the tourism business in adaptation and survival, encouraging domestic tourism, supporting the safe return of international tourism, developing responses to maintain capacity in the sector, strengthening cooperation within countries and in between, creating more sustainable tourism. In international tourism, five trends in the development of the industry have been identified, taking into account the impact of the pandemic: concern for the health of tourists and compliance with sanitary standards, digital transformation, focus on conscious consumption immersive technologies, focus on cities as a center of innovation. An analysis of the Russian market of tourist services is presented, which made it possible to single out the most severely affected types of tourism in Russia: cultural and educational, event, medical and recreational, business, sports. The trends in the development of the Russian tourism industry in the current conditions include an orientation towards domestic tourism (as a whole in Russia or within one region), the transfer of traditional services to the online format, the provision of individual services instead of group services, individualization of package offers.

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