DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2022-8-1-0-6

The state and prospects of development of medical and sports tourism in Russia

The article examines the situational conditions for the development of medical and sports tourism, formed under the influence of domestic demand and geopolitical pressure. Tourist and leisure activities can have a powerful stimulating effect on the health of various segments of the population, significantly diversify leisure, and improve medical and demographic indicators in the regions of Russia. Sports and wellness tourism is an integral type of activity that can be developed both independently and in specially organized conditions on the basis of Sanatorium complexes, health centers and dispensaries. The negative consequences of the pandemic and the declining quality of the environment in many subjects of the Russian Federation actualize the introduction of this type of tourism on a mass program basis, the organization of promotion at the level of local management systems and regional authorities. In the conditions of resort medical businesses, this type of tourism can be successfully combined with other therapeutic and recreational activities and active leisure. With the optimal use of the country's natural resource potential, the development and updating of hiking routes in specially protected natural areas, sports and wellness tourism can contribute to the development of resort areas and destinations, form an attractive offer for tourists. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state and prospects for the development of medical and sports tourism in Russia. The objectives of the study are: research of problems and trends in the development of medical and sports tourism; analysis of the main problems of the development of the types of tourism under consideration and ways to solve them in the conditions of sanatorium-resort complexes; analysis of the dynamics of the development of sanatorium-resort organizations in the Perm region. The study presents the classification of health tourism, its main types, as well as the typology of sports tourism. The main problems and ways to solve them in the conditions of sanatorium-resort complexes are considered. It is established that medical and sports tourism has a positive effect on the speed and quality of the recovery process, it is an additional measure in the complex of wellness procedures to improve the health of the population. This type of activity not only contributes to improving health, but also increases social activity, intellectual development and the cultural level of the individual.

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