Factors influencing the development of retail network services
The pertinence of the study stems from the importance of considering the factors of the internal and external environment for the formation and implementation of measures to develop the services of retail trade networks. As part of the goal of studying foreign and domestic works aimed at systematizing the factors influencing the development of network services, a correlation and regression analysis of the selected factors was carried out based on the materials of the trading network of OOO Bakhetle-1. The materials of the study included the published works of Russian and foreign scientists devoted to the development of services and the implementation of factors influencing them, as well as the results of the financial statements of the trading network. The article presents the results of studies of the factor analysis of the activities of trade enterprises, both external and internal. Emphasis is placed on the factors for the development of services in the online format, since this format has been the most dynamically developing for the last two or three years. The correlation analysis made it possible to establish that an important factor characterizing the development of retail chain services is EBITDA profitability, which is influenced by such factors as the effectiveness of customer focus, the purchase rate, the return on turnover per square meter of retail space.
Valeeva, Y. S. (2022), “Factors influencing the development of retail network services”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 8(2), pp.
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