DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2022-8-3-0-2

The state and prospects of development of domestic tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan (based on empirical research)

The results of the research conducted by the author made it possible to identify the key orientations of residents of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of domestic tourism in the post-pandemic and sanctions regime. The analysis showed that the majority of respondents have made self-organized tourist trips in the region over the past two years, which places high demands on the level of development of tourism and information infrastructure in the republic. Most of the respondents are aimed at one-two-day trips around Tatarstan, weekend tours, the costs of which do not exceed 5 thousand rubles per person. Respondents gave preference to active tourism within the republic, but also indicated recreation at the beach and in the country among the popular activities, which in today's realities can compensate for trips abroad or expensive resorts in Russia. The popularity of educational and event tourism for respondents is revealed, which is due to the rich history of the region. Kazan has confirmed its first place in the ranking of the most popular tourist destinations among the residents of the republic, but in the perspective of future travel, small cities of the region with an original history and culture or with the potential of industrial tourism figure. Based on the facts characterizing the state of domestic tourism in the republic, the prospects for its development are determined: activation of event tourism, creation of tourist products for various age categories, further digitalization of the tourism industry of the republic, development of tourist branding of small towns, training of qualified personnel for tourism and hospitality.

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