Organizational and economic mechanism for improving the quality of tourism services in the new normal
Recent years have been extremely challenging for the tourism industry in terms of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A sharp decline in tourist flows has led to a crisis in the tourism industry. The so-called conditions of the new normality acted as a catalyst for the formation of increased requirements for the safety of tourist services. At present, the concept of the quality of tourist services has practically become synonymous with their safety. To restore international and national tourism, huge efforts are needed to ensure the safety of the provided tourist services and improve their quality. In this regard, tools to improve the quality of tourist services in the new normal (reality) are of particular relevance. With the restoration and further development of tourism, the main problem is the development of mechanisms to improve the quality of tourism products and services provided. In the course of the study, a systematic approach was used and it was shown that the high quality and safety of tourist products and services should be ensured at all levels of tourism management. The article identifies and develops key tools that can act as a driver for improving the quality of tourism services in the new normal. A scheme of the organizational and economic mechanism for improving the quality of tourist services was developed and substantiated, taking into account the specific conditions of the new normal, and its functions are described in detail. The proposed organizational and economic mechanism will help improve the quality of tourism services and restore the tourism industry.
Morozova N. S., Savvateeva N. V. (2022), “Organizational and economic mechanism for improving the quality of tourism services in the new normal”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 8 (3), pp. 78-87. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2022-8-3-0-7
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