The Sectoral Qualifications Framework: Challenges And Perspectives
Development of the labour market in the Russian Federation is a dynamic process that sets its own requirements both for the professional community and educational organizations of various levels. In modern conditions, many industries lack a clear and applicable mechanism that defines both the requirements for an employee of a particular sphere and the framework of labour competencies corresponding to certain labour roles (positions). This gap can be bridged by a Sectoral Qualifications Framework, which is a document (system of regulations) that bridges the labour and education spheres and is oriented to market conditions for the development and functioning of the economy and its harmonisation with the labour and education markets. The National Qualifications Framework is an effective tool for bridging the field of education and the labour market, which is a comprehensive framework document with a description of qualification levels, required labour professional skills. The Qualifications Framework has been developed on the basis of the Agreement on Interaction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and is the basis for the development of sectoral qualifications frameworks, professional and educational standards and is recognized both at the federal and regional levels. It should be noted that the processes associated with the development and implementation of the sectoral qualifications framework in various industries are driven by the need to unify the requirements within industries for certain levels of personnel qualifications.
Semenova, L. V., Ushanov, Y. V., Gurinchuk, A. V., Semenov, N. M. (2022), “The Sectoral Qualifications Framework: Challenges And Perspectives”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 8 (2), pp. 123-136. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2022-8-4-0-10
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