The use of social networks to form a portrait of a tourist (example of the Orlinovsky municipality of Sevastopol)
The article considers the problem of forming a portrait of a tourist for the territory of a municipal district based on materials from open sources – social networks. The relevance of the study is related to the need to develop approaches to determining the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of visitors to local tourist destinations in the absence of centralized statistics collection. Methods and materials included a sample of 100 users of social networks (accounts) for which the territory of the Orlinovsky Municipal District is included in the area of interest, using filters in 3 ways: participation in communities found by keywords, publication of posts with a hashtag or geolocation. The analysis of sociodemographic data of users is carried out: full name (nickname), gender, date of birth (approximate age), marital status, place of residence, type of activity, place of work, education (university), stopping place in Orlinovsky MD and places of tourist interest. As a result of the analysis of profiles of 100 people, the characteristics of tourists who visited the Orlinovsky MD, their preferences for objects were obtained. It is determined that social networks are an important source of information about consumers of tourist services, including in the Orlinovsky MD. It was revealed that the Orlinovsky MD is visited mainly by residents of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea, as well as capital cities. There is a noticeable predominance of women in the tourist flow, and a wide range of ages – from 20 to 60 years. Many tourists consider the Orlinovsky MD as a place for a short one-day vacation. Among the accommodation facilities, visitors of Orlinovsokgo MD prefer guest houses and glamping. The attractiveness of the territory of the district is provided by natural attractions.
Shabalina1, N. V., Kashirina, E. S. (2023), “The use of social networks to form a portrait of a tourist (example of the Orlinovsky municipality of Sevastopol)”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 9 (2), pp. 52-62, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2023-9-2-0-5
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