Theoretical basis of the concept of digital social innovation
Rapid development of digitalization processes is transforming various areas of human activity. The emergence of digital technology makes it possible to address many challenges faced by the economy and society. It also contributes to the emergence of new phenomena affecting the society. One such phenomenon is digital social innovation aimed at alleviating existing societal problems, such as poverty, lack of access to social and health services, educational disparities, etc., improving people's life quality, when using digital technology. In this regard, the paper analyzes the theoretical basis of the concept of digital social innovation. The study considers the origins of the phenomenon of digital social innovation in view of related categories of social and digital innovations. By examining scientific literature in question, the research identifies the key characteristics reflecting the general and specific features of digital social innovations as to other related concepts. The study indicates that digital social innovations are a hybrid phenomenon that combines the features of digital and social innovations. The paper reveals that this concept is still in the formation stage and it has not received wide coverage in the academic environment, especially in Russia. The article substantiates the necessity of further improving the theoretical and methodological basis and studying the practice of implementing digital social innovations.
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