Assessing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign in the context of information and technological progress
Modern technologies provide companies with new tools and opportunities for data collection, analysis and interpretation. This allows you to more accurately measure and evaluate the results of advertising campaigns, which is an urgent task for any business. The purpose is to determine the degree of success of the implementation of the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign. For this purpose, such methods as data collection and analysis, the use of analytical tools, real-time tracking of results, personalization of advertising messages, testing and optimization of advertising campaigns, data integration and sharing were used. The use of modern technologies in evaluating the effectiveness of advertising allows companies to make informed decisions and achieve the best results in their advertising efforts. Evaluating the effectiveness of an advertising campaign is important for business, because it allows you to determine how successfully the resources and costs of an advertising campaign have been used. Modern technologies provide new opportunities for this, including the collection of more data, advanced analytics capabilities, real-time tracking of results, personalization, testing and optimization, as well as data integration.
Mikhailenko, N. N. (2023), “Assessing the effectiveness of an advertising campaign in the context of information and technological progress”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 9 (4), рр. 153-162. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2023-9-4-1-3
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