Opportunities of using local brands in promoting the territory: from identification to communication
In the late XX – early XXI century, the issues of territory branding and building a territorial brand are actively covered in scientific literature. This is due to several reasons, one of which is the attraction of tourist flows and the development of territories (which coincides with the existing trends of the economy of impressions). Researchers analyze regional practices in detail and consider their instrumental aspects. In fact, the main technologies of territory branding are defined and conceptualized, which are related to the formation of the image of a place, associated primarily with the information agenda and events as branding tools. But the development of creative economy has led to the emergence of another branding tool, which is still a "common place" in the studies on communication and marketing. Since the mid 00s of the XXI century, researchers have noted the emergence of local symbols and local brands as a reaction to the search for the identity of the territory and/or as a means of promoting it. On the one hand, the authors name it and cite it as an effective tool, on the other hand, the reasons for its emergence are not conceptualized and the mechanism of its use is not described. This branding tool is a local brand. The purpose of the proposed research is to define the concept of "local brand", analyze the positioning and communicative practices of local brands and identify the potential of the local brand as a tool of regional branding. A set of scientific methods (general scientific methods, systemic and interdisciplinary approaches) was used in the process of the study, allowing to draw representative conclusions. The authors of the proposed study have identified the mechanisms of local brand positioning, features of its communication with the consumer, identified as the main one – value communication, broadcasting the cultural code of the territory, which makes this tool effective in the process of territorial branding. The identified mechanics can be proposed for replication in Russian regions.
Kuznetsov, A. A., Melnikova, N. A. and Polynsky, A. S. (2024), “Opportunities of using local brands in promoting the territory: from identification to communication”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (1), pp. 34-44. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-1-0-3
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