Opportunities of neuromarketing technologies in developing the competitiveness of Russian business schools
The pertinence of the study stems from the growing role of digital marketing in modern business. The economic efficiency of organizations providing paid educational services largely depends on the results of developed marketing solutions. In modern conditions, a special place is given to remote interaction with clients, which is why the importance of Internet marketing is constantly increasing. One of the ways to ensure the effectiveness of decisions of this type can be the use of the results of neuromarketing research and their verification when implementing individual marketing tools by modern organizations. The purpose of the article is to study consumer behavior patterns when choosing educational products. The article studies the influence of the quality of elements of educational organizations' websites on the consumer choice of potential clients. The authors make the assumption that the presence of individual structural elements of web resources, their content and attractive design are the determinants of consumer choice. The study of consumer behavior models was carried out using neuromarketing methods and tools. The article presents the results of using eye tracking when analyzing the Internet resources of two educational organizations providing additional vocational education services. The results showed that the UX design of educational organizations' websites has a significant impact on consumer choice. The result of the study – the formulation of principles for posting text and graphic information on the website of educational organizations, a standard structure of curriculum cards and recommendations for the general design of Internet resources of organizations in the field of additional professional education.
Semibratsky, M. V. and Osadchaya, O. S. (2024), “Opportunities of neuromarketing technologies in developing the competitiveness of Russian business schools”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (1), pp. 146-155. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-1-1-2
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