Studying aspects related to the formation of a site assistant in the field of site building as an important service for business
Today, when the virtual environment is developing very actively and dynamically, the website is becoming an important part for most businesses, including small ones. At the same time, today many of the resources used in the field of website building are foreign and become unavailable (partially or completely), so there is a need to quickly transfer a website from one platform to another, or search for an analogue of the tool currently used. To choose a tool or resource, you need to understand what the current tool does, that is, understand the range of functionality, you also need to understand that to create a website you need knowledge in the field of website building, and even in this area, tasks can be divided into several groups. All of the above leads to the relevance of the issue of developing a site (application) for an assistant in the field of construction, following the example of such a service as To create such a service, it is necessary to study important aspects, namely: the tasks that exist in this area, their grouping and definition for each group of tools, studying the functionality of each tool, since the functions for this kind of service are a kind of filters, creating a database for the purpose of trial testing different search options. All the above-mentioned aspects are studied in this material. The results obtained can be used as a basis for developing a website (application) for an assistant in the field of website building, and such a service itself can be considered as a useful tool for small businesses and a platform for promoting domestic developments.
Khmelev, A. V., Popova, E. V. (2024), “Studying aspects related to the formation of a site assistant in the field of site building as an important service for business”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (2), pp. 136-147. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-2-1-1
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