DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-3- 0-5

Improving the approach to managing measures of state support of enterprises during the implementation of industrial policy

Issues of the effectiveness of the implementation of industrial policy and measures of state support for industrial enterprises have reached the level of state strategic decisions in connection with the emergence of new external and internal challenges facing Russia today. The main problem that urgently needs to be solved is the development of mechanisms for implementing state policy in terms of the application of state support measures in the context of ongoing sanctions and political pressure. The authors of the article presented an evolutionary cross-section of the content of industrial policy, provided criteria for classifying its instruments and forms of implementation through a description of government support measures. Consideration of industrial policy from the historical and functional side at the macro- and meso- levels (specific territory and specific industry) contributed to the systematization of government support measures for industrial enterprises. The relevance of the research interest is related to the fact that with a significant number of publications in Russia and abroad concerning the issues of improving industrial policy and measures of state impact on industrial facilities, the problem of appropriate effective methodological and practical support for the management of state support measures remains unsolved.  The article presents a systematization of state support measures for industrial enterprises, a critical analysis of the methodology for selecting enterprises receiving state support, an assessment of the results of the implementation of the applied system of support measures, as well as the reasons for the gap between the stated goals of industrial policy and its actual results. In this scientific article, the authors propose to improve the approach to assessing enterprises that are recipients of government support in order to ensure that their choices comply with the goals of industrial policy.

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