Development of information support for the promotion of a tourist destination in the context of digital transformation of the economy (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Transformational processes in society and the economy have determined sectoral changes in the tourism sector and the hospitality industry, providing further prospects and strategic guidelines for its functioning. The positive development of the tourism sector is possible through a combination of various factors that ensure the uniqueness of the tourist offer, taking into account an integrated systematic approach in promoting destinations, territorial development programs and the development of master plans, and the involvement of investment resources. The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of the peculiarities of the development of the tourism industry in modern conditions, identifies a set of industry strategic priorities and evaluates digital products used in the system of promotion of tourist destinations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The issues of possible reorientation of tourist flows, taking into account the stimulation of the development of domestic and inbound tourism, are impossible without the active introduction of digital technologies and improvement of the information support system for tourist destinations. The expediency of expanding the use of digital tools and services is justified as tools for promotion in the work.
Zairova, Kh. B., Rakhimbekova, Z. S., Bogomazova, I. V. (2024), “Development of information support for the promotion of a tourist destination in the context of digital transformation of the economy (on the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (4),
pp. 37-54. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-4-0-3
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