

The research is devoted to the problem of developing an effective organizational structure for incoming tour operators. The research is of immediate interest due to the necessity to increase financial and economic values of tour operators in the modern market conditions. The author proves that a clear organizational structure, the proper distribution of powers and functions may lead to the effective work of the enterprise as a whole, whichis reflected in the increase of the financial performance of the company, such as revenue and profit. On the other hand, the support of non-optimized structures may result in large financial expenses of the company, the irresponsible attitude to employees and clients, poor image of the company and some other negative consequences. The article covers the issue of various functions of the company’s subdivisions, employees and their effective interaction in the work of an enterprise. Separating divisions into administrative and operational departments give a necessary basis for further creation of the organizational structure which can be appliedto any tour operator specializing in inbound tourism. As a result, the author creates and describes the most effective organizational structure of the incoming tour operator.

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