DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-4-0-6

Comparative characteristics of calculation options for the structure of the electric grid market of the Kirov region

The aim of the work was to find the most accurate and labour-efficient way of calculating the structure of the market of the electricity network industry on the basis of data from open sources. To achieve this goal, the author formulated the essence of the problem to be solved, proved its relevance and scientific significance. The essence of the concept of “market structure” is defined on the basis of available theoretical materials, and methods of its calculation are given. The most reasonable and accessible ways of determining the structure of the electricity network market, applicable on the basis of data from open sources, are proposed. The structure of the electricity network market of the Kirov region is calculated using the proposed methods, and the results obtained are compared with the real situation on the market. The main methodological tools were analysis and synthesis, which were used to formulate methods for calculating the market structure of the electricity network market, and comparison, which allowed to compare the results of the proposed options with each other and with the real situation. As part of the work, the main methods of assessing the market structure of the electricity network market were analysed in terms of their accuracy, ease of use and ability to collect initial data. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are described and recommendations for their use in practice are given. As a result, only two of the four methods for determining the market structure were found to be suitable for the electricity network complex: the method based on monetary indicators and the method based on necessary gross revenue (NGR). At the same time, the first method is suitable as a main method only if the full volume of initial data is provided, or as an auxiliary method confirming the results of another method. The second method has the greatest research value, as it combines ease of use, high accuracy and ease of searching for statistical material.

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