State policy and methods of its implementation in the management of Russian mass sports
In the context of growing socio-economic challenges, active participation in physical education and sports represents a necessary tool for improving the level and quality of life. In light of these developments, the role of public policy in guaranteeing the effective management of mass sports is becoming increasingly significant. The author proposes a novel methodology for formulating a strategy for the advancement of mass sports. The foundation of this approach is the formulation of a structural matrix for the state policy of mass sports management. The author of the article conducted an analysis of the fundamental concepts and pivotal terminology utilized in the Strategy for the Development of Physical Education and Sports of the Russian Federation up to the year 2030. Additionally, the article illuminates the discrepancies that exist between these concepts and terminology. During the course of the study, deficiencies in the current practice of mass sports management were identified, and recommendations for their elimination were substantiated. The article will be of interest to researchers, academic staff and civil servants engaged in public administration and sports management, who are dealing with the problems and contradictions in physical education and sports management. The article makes a contribution to the field of management science and provides a more nuanced understanding of the interrelationships between public administration, financing and funding, and societal needs in popular sports. Ultimately, this can inform improvements in the quality of public administration of mass sports.
Gureeva, E. A. (2024), “State policy and methods of its implementation in the management of Russian mass sports”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (4), pp. 138-155. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-4-1-0
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