The article deals with the content of marketing resources of the companies and the structure of the complex of marketing communications, emphasizing the need to evaluate the effectiveness of communications. Due to heterogeneity of the elements included in the communicative structure of the mix, as well as the presence of several kinds of efficiency, the ability to assess the effectiveness of marketing communication using one indicator is missing. Therefore, the author proposes the use of different criteria and determination of different types of efficiency depending on the direction of communication. Since the organizational culture is one of the types of marketing resources, it is proposed to evaluate its effectiveness by determining the cultural types prevailing in the organization, the level of development of culture and the possibility of attaining the goals of communication in company policy. The general algorithm of management of marketing communications is presented in the conclusion.
Keywords: Marketing communications,
marketing resources,
organizational culture,
types of culture,
the level of development of culture,
the effectiveness of marketing communications.
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