


In modern Russian society, the interest in systemic problems of recreation and tourism industry is growing increasingly due to the globalization of world economic processes. Tourism is becoming an essential sphere of human life which contributes to the restoration and development of Russia's labor potential and solution of a number of problems related to the challenges of the globalizing world, taking into account the latest technological breakthroughs. It’s becoming more obvious that further development of tourism should be based on deep fundamental inventions in those branches of knowledge where tourism is the incentive for further research and where it is the main consumer of new knowledge. In the XXI century, the formation of the system of vocational training in the world of science is becoming an important vector in the development of the national and world economy, as well as a significant socio-cultural phenomenon as a regional and international activity. The tourism sphere successfully forms its socio-pedagogical and cultural historical space. The article reveals the main problems of professional education in the sphere of tourism at the regional level.

Introduction. The development of tourism in the Russian Federation is currently being positioned as a priority target for the government. The work of various state, municipal, public organizations and business structures was aimed at the solution of this problem, and due to it a number of regions of the Russian Federation have made significant progress in increasing domestic and inbound tourist traffic over the recent years. The other part of the regions and republics is still only at the beginning of this path, either in finding a niche in the tourist activity, or at the stage of developing and testing a new tourist product.

Sustainable operation and development of any industry is impossible without well-timed training of specialists. The system of personnel training can be described as a multifunctional complex consisting of bodies of different departmental subordination, bound by common goals and objectives for non-repetitive professional training and education of specialists of various qualifications in one or another field of activity.

Rapidly evolving domestic tourism actualizes the task of expanding the variability of the training of qualified personnel. In this regard, the modern system of training specialists for the tourism industry should be oriented towards the continuous development, improvement and the desire to improve the quality of the services offered. Every year, in many regions of the country, including those separated from tourist centers, there is a growing need for professional training, retraining and upgrading of skills for existing and emerging tourism firms, leisure enterprises, hotel and entertainment facilities, to service new types of tourism and recreation.

The goal of the work is to reveal the problems of professional education in tourism at the regional level.

Theoretical basis of the research. The information for the study is based on the official statistical materials, provided by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, the Federal Agency for Tourism, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; the Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education on specialty 100401 − Tourism; the Federal state educational standards of higher education for Program 100400 / 43.03.02 − Tourism; The results of empirical studies published in open media reports, on the Internet.

Methods of research – theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the topic of the research; study and analysis of the state of the current problem, the modern pedagogical process, documents, normative and legislative acts in the tourist industry and in the education system; advanced pedagogical experience; generalization; classification; systematization.

Analysis of the research and publications shows that now special focus is given to the problem of youth employment. The works of the following foreign scientists are dedicated to professional training of specialists in the field of tourism: A. Abouville (2000), M. Bartell (1990), U. Rankl (2003), Riley, M., Ladkin, A., & Szivas, E. (2002). Ankomah, P., & Crompton, J. (1990), Ross, G.F. (1992), Sola, E. F. (2002), Smith, D., & Ewing, R. (2002) [6-12].

Main part. According to statistics of the Russian Federal Tourism Agency, at present, about 50 thousand people are working in the sphere of tourism in Russia [1]. In the middle of 2014, there was a tendency for the growth of the employed population, in comparison with 2013, by almost 25%. In the beginning of 2015, according to the survey of leaders of tourists’ enterprises, the growth in the number of people employed in the tourist sector has stopped, this is explained by the peculiarities of Russia's socioeconomic development struck by sanctions.

In the XXI century, the formation of the system of vocational training has become an important vector in the development of national and world economy, as well as a significant socio-cultural phenomenon as a regional and international activity. The tourism sphere successfully forms its socio-pedagogical and culturally historical space. A tough competition established on tourism market forces employers to pay close attention to the availability of the professional education of their employees. This also explains the increase in demand for highly-educated young professionals.

With the development of the tourism industry, the need for qualified personnel has grown. However, Russian universities mainly specialize in the training of tourism managers. The leading institutions here are: the non-governmental specialized Russian International Academy of Tourism (RIAT). On the second place is the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality (at the MSU of Service) and the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RPFU). However, at the same time, a large number of universities, both state and non-state, produce travel managers (ppfig. 1).

The problem of quality of preparation of the personnel for the tourist industry is becoming increasingly important, as the creation and promotion of the recreational product, both on the domestic and international tourist market, is impossible without highly qualified personnel, as well as the formation and development of a specialized system of tourism education [5].

Fig. 1. Distribution of vacancies by headings in the tourism section [3]

Рис. 1. Распределение вакансий по рубрикам в разделе туризм [3]


However, the gap between the needs of the industry and the supply from the educational institutions remains significant. Unfortunately, in our country, the level of training of specialists for this branch does not meet the world standards now. Some authors distinguish five basic factors of professional suitability, the presence of which within a specialist in tourism and hospitality is the key to a successful career in this sphere: communicative competence; high level of social and professional adaptation, neuro-psychic (emotional) stability; high level of intellectual development, cognitive activity, administerial abilities.

The results of the study and their discussion. The head count of employers conducted by Career.ru in 2012 showed that employers (85%) were most interested in the personal qualities of the graduate (responsibility, communicative, initiative, independence, can-do attitude, etc.). Secondly, employers pay attention to whether the graduate is computer literate, experienced and has spacious mind (49%, 42%, and 39%, respectively). In the third place, they were interested in the level of theoretical knowledge in their field, the knowledge of specialized programs by profession, the availability of internships in the specialty and the knowledge of a foreign language (37%, 32%, 21% and 20%, relational). The image of the university a person graduated from, a diploma with distinction and the recommendations of teachers were considered by employers at the end of the line (12%, 6% and 6%, relational) [4].

According to the head count conducted among heads of tourism organizations in the Central region of Russia, the training sector does not meet the needs of the tourism industry in either quantitative or qualitative terms.

The main problems in this area in Russia can be listed as follows:

  • in the practice of Russian tourism education, most of the time is spent studying the theoretical basis of educational subjects;
  • the central place in the curriculum is occupied by general educational subjects, while highly specialized subjects are introduced only at the last two courses of study.
  • at universities, the work practice in hotels is carried out for a short time without any payment;
  • poor language training of specialists. It’s not given enough attention to learning foreign languages, which is one of the necessary practice-oriented skills; limiting the choice of the method and duration of studying;
  • the most common form of education in the hospitality industry is the acquisition of a bachelor's degree (4 years of study), and further improvement of the acquired knowledge and skills in the master's program (2 years);
  • insufficient regulatory framework;
  • discrepancy with the needs of the tourist industry for qualified personnel;
  • the relevance of improving the quality of teaching materials and the considerations of the specifics of the organization of tourist activities in Russian Federation while training [1, 2].

To address these problems, the Russian Government has identified some promising areas for the creation of a system of continuous vocational education.

The most important among them are:

  • oncoming of educational institutions to the sphere of tourism and invitation of those employers, who are interested in training qualified personnel at all levels of vocational education most of all;
  • the compatibility of professional and educational standards that would regulate the requirements for the training of modern personnel on the labor market;
  • formation of practice-oriented competencies in students who meet the requirements of interested contractors and ensure the competitiveness of specialists in the industry;
  • interaction of representatives of the academic community and employers, inclusive of modern tendencies in development in the conditions of the reformed economy;

forecasting the demand for personnel, taking into account the trends and prospects for the development of the service and tourism industries.

Conclusion. Thus, to date, the profile of most universities is determined by the principles of strategic management and external evaluation, which creates clear regulations and requests for quality of training the personnel in the structure of innovative societies of the XXI century. The university has there an important task – to preserve and multiply the traditions and basic values ​​of the educational system, updating its content in accordance with the modern requirements of Russian society.

The conformity of the content of training to the requirements of future professional activity, the connection of training with industrial practice, training in the workplace, the interrelation of theoretical courses with special academic disciplines, long internship at the workplace during the time of study in the university-these areas of tourism education can form the basis of highly skilled tourism professionals.

In the practical training of personnel for the tourism industry, it is necessary to use the technologies of creating educational clusters, which are system-organized unities of split-levels professional educational institutions located in geographical proximity.

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