DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2017-3-4-39-51


The article analyzes positions of Russia in the world tourist space on the basis of the rating of competitiveness of the tourism and travel presented by the World Economic Forum. At the heart of the rating is the index of competitiveness of travel and tourism (TTCI) calculated on the basis of fourteen indicators grouped in four subindexes. On the basis of estimates of the indicators forming the index, the authors determined both the positive and negative factors influencing the position of Russia in the rating and the index of competitiveness of travel and tourism. It is noted that despite ambiguity of the estimates provided by the World Economic Forum, it is impossible to abstract from them. When developing concepts and development programs of the industry all analytical data, including expert estimates of the world community have to be accumulated. Only complex assessment of tendencies of the Russian tourism will allow to define new trends in its development and new mechanisms of the increase in competitiveness of Russia in the global tourist space.

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