The article reviews long-term experience in creating original booklets and guidebooks that are original in execution, namely, a short express guide to the campus of KazSU, a guidebook for the Almaty Tourist Guide in Almaty in English, a series of brochures and booklets from the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism for university entrants, students and guests, executed in different designs. The article investigates the concepts of image and imaging. The general stages of creating a project, a booklet or a guide are offered, such as the stage of preliminary information gathering, secondary processing of information, processing, structuring and editing of collected data and materials, creating a layout with the use of computer technologies and the stage of developing a final design and layout. Performed in a creative design and well-thought-out content they represent the realization of the creative process of learning and the development of tourist image for the organization of tourist activities which are carried out at the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the framework of training for tourism and hospitality. Creation of even the most simple guidebook or brochure requires knowledge and skills of the authors-compilers. The formation of a positive image of the country, regions, cities, university and, in particular, the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism is necessary for the tourist product promotion to the world tourism market and education
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