DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2023-9-1-0-2

Evolution of scientific approaches to defining the content of the concept of geotourism: from geoconservation to sustainable tourism

Humanity owes the Industrial Revolution not only to comfortable living conditions, the development of tourism, the growth of education and awareness of people, the improvement of product quality, but also environmental problems, degradation of landscapes. Thus, the changes occurring in the abiotic component of the landscape contributed to the appearance of geological hazards of artificial origin. The promotion of the ideas of harmonizing human-nature relations to solve global problems of humanity has only slightly affected the abiotic component of the landscape. A year before the concept of sustainable tourism appeared, geotourism was born and began to develop. This line of activity was engaged in the assessment, protection and management of objects and landscapes of value from the point of view of geological heritage and diversity. But despite the origin and development of this direction, humanity is still a powerful relief-forming factor that forms technogenic landforms on the earth's surface. The purpose of the study is to study and analyze approaches to the concept of geotourism, its characteristics and to identify the relationship of this term with the concept of "sustainable tourism". Applying the methods of analysis and synthesis to foreign and domestic theoretical and practical works in the field of geotourism, to materials on geotourism posted in open access on the websites of geoparks and UNESCO, we traced how over the past 28 years the ideas of theoretical and practical scientists about the term "geotourism" and its focus on sustainable development have changed. In the array of scientific publications from 1995 to 2000, there is a clear trend aimed at the development of the European School of Geotourism, the main purpose of which was the geoconservation of geosites and geomorphosites. Since 2011, both geological and geographical approaches have indicated the connection of geotourism with sustainable tourism. At this time, based on practical experience, the Chinese Scientific School of Geotourism appears. Russian scientists consider geotourism in a broader sense. It is also important to note that this term has not gained much popularity among scientists of the Russian Federation and it does not reflect the specifics associated with sustainable development. Taking into account the evolution of the concept of geotourism, its characteristics and the relationship of this term with the concept of "sustainable tourism", the author's definition and classification of geotourism was given.

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