DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2023-9-4-0-2

Methodology for integral score assessment of the industrial and tourist attractiveness of municipalities (using the example of the Perm Territory)

The presented article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of industrial tourism in the Perm region. The study is aimed at identifying the special development of industrial tourism in the municipalities of the Perm Territory, as well as studying the industrial and tourist attractiveness of the region’s municipalities. The authors present materials and methods for studying the topic and provide an analysis of the literature on the stated topic. The article briefly presents the essence of industrial tourism as a type of tourist and recreational activity, including narrow and broad approaches to its definition and classification. The article also discusses the stages of creating industrial heritage in the Perm region. It is justified that industrial heritage is a fundamental factor for the development of industrial tourism in the region. The research presented in the article was carried out on the basis of the author’s methodology of integral scoring. The result of applying the methodology is a typology of municipalities of the Perm region according to industrial and tourist attractiveness. In order to increase visibility, the article presents the author's cartographic materials on the assessment of industrial tourism resources and on the assessment of the industrial and tourist attractiveness of municipalities of the Perm Territory. Based on the study, the authors propose some directions for the development of industrial tourism for municipalities of the Perm Territory. The authors also propose recommendations for branding the territory and increasing the attractiveness of the region on the basis of industrial heritage.

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