Analysis of the factors of negative impact on the development of tourism Southeast Asia
This article discusses the features and factors that have a negative impact on the tourist market of the South-Eastern part of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the author analyzes the main indicators of the state of tourism in the conditions of specific states and examines the reasons for their position relative to competitors within the borders of the region. The relevance lies in the study of foreign experience and the disclosure of problems in the field of regression of the local market, as well as in the search for interdependencies between non-obvious prerequisites and the state of the region for further use of theoretical developments in favor of the domestic tourist market structure. The methods used in the work included content analysis, analysis of statistics and Internet resources, systematization, comparison. The study assumes consideration of environmental, psycho-social, economic, global prerequisites of the current level of development of destinations, as well as argumentation of the point of view using publicly available statistical data
Kuchumov, A. V. and Eremicheva, P Y. (2024), “Analysis of the factors of negative impact on the development of tourism Southeast Asia”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (1), pp. 45-59. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-1-0-4
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