Transformation of priorities of state regulation of tourism and recreation in the Russian Federation
This article examines the evolution of the transformation of priorities of state regulation of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation in the period 1993-2023. The tourism sector has consistently developed in accordance with changes in macroeconomic conditions and the institutional environment and is currently an important type of economic, social and cultural activity of the country. The demand for tourism and recreational services is an important factor in economic recovery after global crises, therefore, the choice of effective tools and mechanisms of state support for regulating the industry belongs to the strategic priorities of national development. The purpose of the study is to determine the factors and conditions for the transformation of priorities of state regulation of tourism and recreation. Research objectives: to characterize scientific and theoretical approaches and analyze the regulatory framework of state regulation of the tourism industry; to assess and analyze the dynamics of indicators characterizing the state of tourism and recreation in Russia at various historical stages of development; to characterize the priorities of state regulation and the results obtained in selected periods. In the course of the study, a periodization was developed that includes four stages. For each stage, its characteristic features were identified and the analysis of the results of the indicators of the tourism industry was carried out. Common declared priorities for all periods were also identified. The main focus of the work was on the study of the regulatory framework.
Oborin, M. S. and Orlov, S. P. (2024), “Transformation of priorities of state regulation of tourism and recreation in the Russian Federation”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (2), pp. 16-35. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-2-0-2
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