Analysis of the performance indicators of accommodation facilities in children's and youth tourism in the Krasnodar Territory
The field of children's and youth tourism in contemporary Russia is regarded not only as a standalone sector within the broader tourism industry, but also as a strategic instrument for attaining national objectives. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation declared 2025 the Year of Children's Recreation in the Education System. The Krasnodar Territory has consistently been and continues to be one of the leading regions for children's and youth recreation. The share of tourism in gross regional product is more than 6%. During the summer health campaign, the region receives the largest number of children in comparison with all other regions of the country. The performance indicators of collective accommodation facilities in the region are one of the indicators of the state of the children's and youth tourism. The study presents an in-depth analysis of the growth and evolution of children's health resort organisations, various types of children's summer health institutions, youth accommodation facilities in the form of hostels, campsites and motels in Russia, the Southern Federal District and Krasnodar Territory over the past eight years. The share of such organizations in the Krasnodar Territory was established, the average growth rates of a number of indicators were calculated. The average indicators of the activities of children's health resort organizations in the Krasnodar Territory were calculated based on the analysis of the functioning of 8 sanatoriums, in particular, the cost of a children's health resort voucher and the growth rate of prices for it, the growth of the volume of the state assignment for health resort treatment, the amount of funds allocated by the state for 1 bed-day. A comparative analysis of average prices in Russia and the Krasnodar Territory for a voucher to a children's health camp was conducted. The income generated by the hospitality sector in the Territory was subjected to analysis. It was determined that the Krasnodar Territory requires the development of low-budget recreational activities for children and youth as a prerequisite for fully realizing the region's tourist potential.
Gorbatov, S. A. (2024), “Analysis of the performance indicators of accommodation facilities in children's and youth tourism in the Krasnodar Territory”, Research Result. Business and Service Technologies, 10 (4), pp. 21-36. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9346-2024-10-4-0-2
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The article has been prepared in accordance with the State order to FRC Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences FGRW-2022-0001 «Theoretical and methodological bases of strategic management and innovative development of the recreational and tourist sphere of the Russian Federation»