DOI: DOI: 10.18413 /2408-9346-2015-1-4-29-32



The article outlines the challenges posed by globalization of the economy at the present stage of economic development. The pros and cons of globalization are analyzed. The features of the transformation of socio-cultural space under conditions of globalization processes are shown. The basic contradictions generating socio-cultural risks caused by globalization of the economy are revealed. The author demonstrates some characteristic socio-cultural risks of globalization in the context of modern Russia. The necessity for preventive measures to minimize the consequences of the implementation of socio-cultural risks is discussed.

Introduction. Economic globalization is one of the most discussed and debated problem of world economic lifein scientific and practical plans. The controversy on this issue is becoming more acute, increasing the number of supporters and opponents of this process. The main argument of supporters of economic globalization is the thesis about the benefits of international cooperation and division of labor to optimize the use of limited resources of individual countries. As an important advantage of the globalization of the economy it is pointed to the development of international competition, stimulating growth in the quality and reducing the costs of production. Opponents of economic globalization argue that mainly the developed countries have benefit from globalization, that it becomes a hindrance to the development of domestic production, the consequence of globalization is the growing differentiation of countries by level of economic development. With all the convincing arguments of supporters and opponents of economic globalization, it should be recognized that this process exists objectively and develops regardless of the attitude of individual reference groups, representing an irreversible path of global development on its modern stage.

The processes of globalization are not limited by the integration of the economic life of the states, they inevitably affect the political, cultural, social and religious spheres. So to talk about the globalization of the economy, limited to only economic gains and losses, means the inability to see the subject in all its diverse and interrelated aspects. Social and cultural risks arising from the globalization of the world economy are part of these aspects. The need to mitigate these risks leads to the challenge of addressing economic globalization in the context of its social and cultural dimension.

The aimof the work. The aim of this work is the identification and justification of social and cultural risks arising from the processes of economic globalization in order to take preventive measures for their reduction.

The results of the study and their discussion.A significant increase of population mobility in the context of globalization, the rapid development of information technology radically transform modern society, lead to qualitative changes in the socio-cultural space of society. Being an open system, socio-cultural space of the nation state in a globalizing absorbs both positive and negative aspects of other cultures, which gives it controversial character.

Many researchers write about the nature of modern socio-cultural space of society. So, I. Wallerstein, describes the complexity, openness and instability of the socio-cultural space of the society of the first half of the twenty-first century, believes that «the modern world system as a historical system has entered the stage of the final crisis» [3, p. 5].

Another well-known researcher, W. Beck notes that currently «the creative destruction of the global order, which is still dominated by «legitimate» nation state» [1].

Famous Russian researcher S. A. Kravchenko in his monograph «The formation of a complex society: to the justification of humanistic theory of complexity» noted as one of the most striking trends of the modern time, the increasing complexity of «becoming reality» [5].

The increasing complexity of socio-cultural space of a society inevitably leads to the emergence of new risks. Not casually therefore in the description of the contemporary socio-cultural space in one row are concepts such as «global society», «information society», «society of risk». The use of the term «risk society» to refer to the socio-cultural space seems to us quite natural, as the risk becomes an important feature that distinguishes the current stage of development of society from previous periods. This is indicated, for example, G. Bekhman: «Modern society makes modern their future with the help of risk and thereby find their own specific way of dealing with the uncertainty that distinguishes it from all previous societies» [2, p. 27].

Socio-cultural risks of globalization are arose from the following main contradictions:

  • contradiction between the need of integration into the world community and the need to preserve national sovereignty, defending national interests;
  • contradiction between the growth of national consciousness and leveling of national identity [10];
  • contradiction between universalization and differentiation of the company;
  • the contradictions arising from the mismatch of attitudes, values, beliefs, cultural attitudes and traditions of national communities integrable [8].

As recent events have shown, the processes of uncontrollable migration, growth of nationalism, separatism, and terrorism have a special threat,.

The concept of risk has interdisciplinary significance and in the most general sense is interpreted as the probability of undesirable deviations in the functioning of any system in the future. We can say that risk is some hypothetical danger. High dynamism of social processes and the uncertainty of the social environment on the modern stage of economic development, greatly enhance the possibility of real implementation of this danger. Therefore, the identification of stress points, which creates the potential risks and forecasting their possible consequences is a major challenge in the analysis of any processes, developing on the basis of contradictory.

When analyzing socio-cultural risks arising from the globalization of the economy, the study of current transformations in the culture has fundamental importance. Culture is the central link, which is subjected to the greatest impact of contradictory tendencies of globalization.

In modern science the concept of culture is defined as «a system of historically developing programs of human activity (activity, behavior and communication), ensuring the reproduction and change of social life in all its major manifestations» [6].

Culture defines the lifestyle of the people, guarded and transmitted from generation to generation. It forms the national identity, defining core values, traditions, habits, customs, beliefs, attitudes, etc., Russia enters the era of globalization is not in the best of its time. The breakdown of the old value system of the socialist period, active penetration of the liberal value system of the Western world in the post-perestroika period caused a lot of internal contradictions, led to the crisis of the value system of Russian society. In these conditions significantly weaken the ability of the culture to reproduce itself, decreasing the possibility of destruction of cultural stereotypes, forming a kind of picture of the Russian world.

It should be recognized that globalization forms a monocultural world on the Western model, already by the fact that Western countries were the first to embark on this journey, acting as the harbingers of a new world order. In addition, the feature of all integration processes in the socio-cultural sphere is the fact that they occur with a clear dominance of any particular culture, adopted as the standard. This process is implemented in the form of explicit or implicit absorption of local cultures, transformation or replacement of their system of values.

A striking example of such domination is a cascade of proliferation of the English language in all spheres of human activity. Today, we are not surprised that in the formation of ratings of effectiveness of work of the teachers used the criterion of lectures in English, while not all of the teachers, as experience shows, are fluent in the Russian language. English language becomes the global language, but also actively penetrates the ordinary lexicon, standardizing the thinking of English. Meanwhile the language plays a major role in the preservation and transmission to new generations of samples of national culture.

Another aspect suggests the dominance of Western culture in the integration processes of globalization. In the context of globalization is changing the relationship between elite, folk and mass culture in favor of absolute predominance of the latter, in the substantive content which the West plays a leading role. Mass global culture acquires a universal character. Due to the rapid development of mass communications and information technologies of mass culture becomes a powerful mechanism for cultural expansion. Mass culture has the decisive role in the manipulation of public consciousness. Appealing to basic human needs, it elevates to the rank of a culture of consumption, leisure, entertainment, leaving, and, accordingly, the development of the higher spiritual needs of society.

Dissemination of the principles and lifestyle of the Western world to the global community leads not only to impoverishment of world culture, but also bears the risk of loss of the identity of many peoples, the loss of mechanisms of their cultural identity. Arising in the process of globalization, issues of cultural identity are manifested on the individual level and at the level of ethnos, nation and state. On the individual level this manifests itself in the loss of sensemaking reference points and, to some extent, leads to the marginalization of the individual, which becomes easily manageable and convenient means are not always justified ideas and plans of elites. At the level of ethnos, nation identification problem manifests itself in the loss of cultural identity and in breaking down those social relations that define the spiritual unity of a certain nation or ethnic group. Finally, at the state level, the weakening of the mechanisms of cultural identification may prove to be the loss of state sovereignty that allows us to consider this issue in the context of national security.

Globalization greatly contributes to the openness of the economic, political and cultural life of states, the increasing interdependence of states and of individual states from international supranational structures. And, again, in these structures «legislators» a new world order become the states that were the first to realize and have realized its benefits. This necessitates special efforts to maintain state autonomy (sovereignty). We are not talking about isolation. This way in modern conditions cannot be considered as productive. The task of maintaining state sovereignty is a clear upholding of the state interests on the world stage, in finding the optimal ways of integration, ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage, national originality and identity.

Globalization inevitably leads to the universalization of society, expressed in the unified regulation of all spheres of public life on the basis of common legal rules and social standards. This trend, implemented at the macro level and expressed, essentially, in reducing the diversity of the social world, meets active resistance from the local microenvironment of cultures seeking to preserve their identity and traditional values. On the other hand, as noted by many researchers and is confirmed by the data statistics, the tendency to the formation of uniform world space in the context of globalization is accompanied by the uneven development of individual countries and the increasing income differentiation between separate social groups.

Thus, globalization is a complex, contradictory, dialectical process, detecting a «neighborhood» of very different trends: the universalization and differentiation, integration and individualization, cooperation, interaction and conflict confrontation. In the process of globalization, on the one hand, are global recognition of our common human values, and, on the other hand, have increasingly found the evidence of the cultural specificities of individual Nations and nationalities. Globalization presents to the world as the growing risks and new opportunities.

In recent years, there are encouraging trendsin Russia, which allows to hope for preservation of the Russian world with its specific mentality and understanding in the history of human civilization. The «borderline» geopolitical location of Russia between Europe and Asia forms the Russians have a particular way of life which is an amazing and, at times, very contradictory combination of Western rational-transformational and Eastern spiritual and contemplative mentality. This point was made by another N. A. Berdyaev in his work «Russian idea»: «in Russia face and come in the interaction of two streams of world history — East and West. Russian people is not purely European and not purely Asian people. Russia is a part of the world, a huge East-West, it connects two worlds. And always in Russian soul two principles fought, the East and West» [7].

The peculiarity of Russian culture was always set the priority of the spiritual over the material. Her universalism, universality is based on the principles of humanity, unity and spiritual development. The inculcation of these cultural benchmarks and stereotypes of Russian culture largely owes to Orthodoxy. Purchasing in the context of globalization particularly popular in Western society the position of tolerance, as shown by recent international events, did not stand the test in practice. Statistics show that an increasing number of people who are not ready to perceive tolerant of cultural, national and religious differences that give rise to xenophobia, hatred and violence. And, on the contrary, Russian culture, including more than 120 nationalities and ethnic groups throughout its history proves its ability to consolidate people of different faiths, cultural traditions and customs.

The richness of Russian culture, its spiritual potential also hope that Russia has a significant role in shaping a new world order based on harmonious combination of the unity of the universal values, pluralism of ideas and cultural diversity of the world.

Conclusion. Thus, the analysis of the problem showed that economic globalization is a phenomenon as inevitable as it is deeply controversial. Giving some opportunities for economic development, it poses the country are pretty significant limitations in terms of making decisions about diversification patterns of economic policy. Globalization not only unites, but also divides the world community: the processes of integration are accompanied by equally active in the process of disintegration. The interpenetration of cultures is accompanied by the clash of national cultures, and sometimes a hard rejection, rejection bring cultural values and stereotypes. These contradictions cause social and cultural risks, which require a very serious scientific study to prevent the potential trends of cultural degradation, loss of national consciousness of Russian society. The task of preserving national identity under conditions of globalization of economy is of particular importance and requires an appropriate ideological, legal and financial support.


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