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Tokhtar, Valeriy Konstantinovich
Director of the Botanical Garden, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Belgorod State National Research University
85, Pobedy St., Belgorod, 308015
Tolstyakov, Roman R.
Doctor of economics, Professor, head of Institute of Economics and Quality of Life
Trineev, Andrey Yu.
graduate student of Marketing and Service Department, SEO specialist of SMARTVORD marketing agency
Tsoy, Marina E.
Candidate of Science (PhD) in economy, Associate Professor Head of Marketing and Service Department
Tsurupa, Elena B
Head of the Tourism Development Office, Consumer Market Office, Department of Economic Development, Belgorod City Administration
Tsyokhla, Svetlana Y.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the De-partment of Business Management
Tychkov, Nikita Valerievich
Master of Sciences in Services, Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University